Friday, April 30, 2010

Journal entry from 4/22, Day #31

The sun slowly slides behind a distant western ridge, its purple, pink, and orange glow still lingering in the evening sky. The colors bleed into one another, making it impossible to discern where one begins and another ends. As I lean back against the moss covered trunk of a downed tree, I can feel the warmth from the fire on my face. The flames dance from side to side with the ebb and flow of a crisp spring breeze. I take another sip of fresh pressed coffee from my mug, savoring its rich, dark, earthy tones; savoring this moment as well. The stillness is intoxicating. The crackle of the fire, the wind in the trees, and the soothnig hoot of an owl nearby all add to the sense of peace that is gently infiltrating my body and mind. I let out a deep, long breath and my eyes slowly close. It's as if every muscle in my body exhales with me. After another sip of coffee, steam slowly rises from the opening in the lid. My eyes follow it upwards, and I now notice the half full moon directly above me and the handful of stars that have begun making their heavenly positions known. The branches of the trees are raised and outstretched like arms, praising and welcoming the darkening night sky. A better script for the day's end could not have been written by even the most talented of playwrites  nor produced on the grandest of movie screens. There is no substitue for nature. Creation cannot be outdone. I sit in humble awe with the crackle of the fire, the wind in the trees, and the soothing hoot of an owl nearby. I am blessed to be a witness.

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